Saturday 30 April 2011

Cup & String

Cup & String: The no nonsense network for people who just want to make phone calls.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday 27 August 2010

Idea: The Guerilla Bread Co.

I'm going to start a guerilla bakery.

We will trim a metre of wheat from the edge of every local field and use the flour we make from it to make bread.

No particular reason... just to keep overheads down really.

Sunday 25 July 2010

I'm learning a new skill

Summer is lovely.

I've worked for a month so I've earned a little money.

I bought a new bike and I've been riding a lot.

and I'm learning to programme, I'm currently learning objective C and can make very basic iPhone apps. I'm hoping that it can make me a little more self sufficient and I'm sure it will come in handy at some point.

I must say it is very interesting, and a refreshing change to sketching ideas as a final outcome.

Saturday 5 June 2010

The In-Book Awards

Well hello there, I've now finished my second year of uni. Quite a scary, yet motivating thought. Things have been good since I last posted, noteworthy of which, I got my work for Mini into the D&AD Student Awards Book. I was elated, until it dawned on me... My parents, brother, sister, grandad, grandma etc. are going to want a copy of the book. The thing is, there is no book. I know, D&AD take my £12 and in return I get nothing physical; just a mention on their website.

This is not right.

Which is why I am now formally announcing that I am starting my own awards body...

The In-Book Awards 2010.

The difference is, The In-Book Awards does have a book. In fact the book is the award, your own personal 8 page book with your work in it, IN A BOOK!

The entry requirements are that you won an In-Book in the D&AD Student Awards. Anybody who enters automatically wins.

Luckily, Leah Klein, former Creative Director of Wired Magazine, taught me how to bind books last year in a workshop, so I'm going to be a bit busy.

I'm going to make some booksleeves and then get a website registered and start promoting this. Hopefully it will get me a bit of coverage. And the best thing is, the people who get in book are likely to be the best creative students who are likely to be getting jobs soon, so I'll hopefully be getting some good contacts.

I'll keep you updated,

Sunday 11 April 2010

Insiration can come to you at any time

Which is why you must always be prepared.

Just a few initial ideas, but a pen on the handle end of a toothbrush with a toothpaste notepad, so if you ever get that killer idea while staring at yourself brushing your teeth.

This could be used as a campaign for a student competition, maybe YCN or student D&AD.

I'll think of some more examples soon,


Sunday 21 March 2010

A book I made

These are a few pages I designed for a project at uni. We had to design and make a book. I made mine the same size as an iPhone and put it in an iPhone case. The idea is to leave the book around on benches or tables so people think that they have found an iPhone. When they look closer, they realise that it is a book called "The Day I Found an iPhone" which is about somebody who has found an iPhone and is trying to find it's owner.

Friday 5 March 2010

This is my entry for the Roses Student Awards

Since it's past the deadline, I thought I'd share my ideas with you for the Roses brief. The brief I chose was to redesign the £5, £10, £20 & £50 notes. You only had to use the queens face.

In case you can't open the images,

"The handshake has been used as a way to seal the deal for centuries. It is used to show equality, confirm the transfer of goods or just to say hello. It transcends cultures all over the world.

Nowadays, we are so used to making transactions through credit cards that we have lost the personal connection in making a deal. We no longer have to get to know who we are trading with or have any physical contact with them.

The new notes are designed so that in order to use them, you have to get back to being personal in your business deals.
The design encourages bartering, which has never been a part of the reserved english culture.

It takes influence from the culture of the Kurdish farmers in Turkey, in which traders shake hands for the whole period in which the deal is taking place."

"The new system takes its form as a ring which is worn on the right hand. In order to start a transaction, the two parties hold hands as they are about to shake. The two rings begin a Bluetooth connection. The harder the person grips the hand, the more money is set to be transferred between the traders. When the right amount is reached, the two shake hands, this transfers the monetary value between the rings and the transaction is complete."

"The ring changes colour the more or less money is on it.
£5 - Wood
£10 - Bronze
£20 - Silver
£50 - Gold"

"ATM machines have been redesigned as a result, the new design features a prosthetic hand coming out of the wall. The hand can be set to different pressures to withdraw set amounts of money. It also uses fingerprint technology to ensure that identity theft is eliminated."